“Acne sufferer throws away years of worthless medication and medical advice to find a PROVEN ALTERNATIVE cure for your skin- and is COMPLETELY ACNE FREE after JUST 3 DAYS!”
Stop! Before wasting more money on expensive medication and useless over-the-counter products, read this!
Dear Friend,
My name is Susan White and I have been an acne sufferer for most of my adult life, living with the misery, pain and embarrassment of a really bad skin. My acne problems started when I was in my late teens. It got so bad that I hated looking at myself in the mirror. While my friends were out having a good time, I stayed at home, feeling painfully self-conscious and miserable.

In desperation, I tried almost every over-the-counter acne remedy available. You name it, I tried it: lotions, creams, drugs, antibiotics, vitamins, and special diets – even skin cleansing mud packs! Nothing helped. Eventually I visited a dermatologist and he prescribed a course of drugs – that didn’t help either. And then he told me that the cause of my acne was a hormonal imbalance, and that it was just a temporary phase I was going through. He said it would clear up eventually and that, like most teenagers, I would eventually “grow out of it”.
Well, that “temporary phase” lasted for years, and caused horrible scarring! Over the years, the acne flared up over and over again. If anything, it got worse, spreading to my neck and causing big, pussy sores that looked like horrible swollen boils. It was revolting! By the time I had reached my mid twenties, there was still no relief in sight. I asked myself over and over again: “Why me? When will this ever go away?”
And then one day, I decided that I had had enough! I was going to start looking for a different answers to my problem. Surely there had to be someone who could help me?
These were the answers I was searching for:
I wanted to rid myself of pimples, zits and whiteheads – FOREVER!
I wanted to end the permanent scarring – ONCE AND FOR ALL!
I wanted to stop fresh outbreaks of acne WITHOUT having to use harmful drugs such as cortisone or Acutane.
I was looking for a healthy, NATURAL way to treat the problem.
And then, after almost twelve years of self-conscious misery, suffering and embarrassment, I finally found the solution to my problem. And I found it quite by chance!
Chris Gibson had the answer I had been searching for.
I first saw Chris Gibson on TV, talking about his #1 bestselling book Acne Free in 3 Days. He had been featured all over the media, both nationally and abroad. He spoke about the all-natural cure that he had researched and developed – and had out himself with amazing results.
Like me, Chris had been an acne sufferer for many, many years. Like me, this embarrassing condition had caused him untold pain and embarrassment. After years of feeling hopeless and worthless, Chris had begun to research a cure for himself. Like me, he had tried just about every drug and acne remedy in the book. Chris believed that there just had to be an alternative cure for acne – without having to resort to drugs or other expensive “treatments” that never worked. It took him years of research to find it, and when he did, he tried it on himself. And within 3 days, his acne had cleared up – and never came back! And that was almost 20 years ago!
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Chris Gibson on TV

Here’s what the | ![]() | had to say: |
“[An] instructive, and not overstated book regarding acne. When you read this book, you will be amazingly surprised at the easy-to-do solutions he has to get rid of your acne problem. Author Chris Gibson’s groundbreaking rule book can dramatically change the life of anyone living with the effects of acne…”
I was skeptical!
Okay, so I admit I was a little skeptical when I first heard about Chris’s program for curing acne completely and permanently within 3 days. After all, like Chris, I had tried just about every drug, remedy, facial treatment and diet on the planet – with ZERO results! Why should Chris’s plan be any different? But what did I have to lose? I had wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars over the years on doctor’s visits, drugs and expensive over-the-counter-medication – without success. Why shouldn’t I try just one more time? So I ordered a Copy of Acne Free in 3 Days™ and was able to download it within minutes. And you know what? It was the best thing I ever did!
As far as best acne treatments go, I thought I had heard and seen it all, but the moment I received my copy of Acne Free in 3 Days, I knew this book was different. This book had ALL the answers I had been searching for. It was as if Chris had anticipated every problem I was having with chronic acne flare ups. I felt as though he was speaking directly to me. He knew what I was going through because he had been there himself.
Chris’s book proves there is an alternative way to cure acne!
Chris Gibson was a chronic acne sufferer himself. In his book Acne Free in 3 Days™, he shares the program he used to clear up his own acne scars- in just 3 days! His clear, easy-to-follow step-by-step directions show you how to take control of your skin problems yourself and do something about your natural skin care – inexpensively and effectively.
As soon as I read the eBook, all I could say was ‘WOW!’ This product was exactly what I had been looking for.
My acne totally disappeared in only 3 days! I finally had the clear skin that I had always dreamed of! Still, I worried that it might return. Previous attempts at curing my acne had shown that there would be brief periods of remission, followed by the inevitable disappointment several days or weeks later when a fresh outbreak of acne would flare up with a vengeance.But I needn’t have worried. This time it was different! My skin was completely clear within days. My skin was smooth and felt as if it had been totally rejuvenated from the inside out! By the time I had finished Chris’s program, I looked good and felt like a million dollars!
If you’re thinking of buying any other program out there on curing acne, save your money! This one is the best!
Here’s how Chris Gibson’s #1 Bestselling
eBook, Acne Free in 3 Days™ helped me:
Chris Gibson discovered a proven, holistic way to heal acne. His all natural program not only rejuvenates the skin but enables it to stay acne free permanently.
Acne Free in 3 Days™ is designed to be an easy-to-use program in the privacy of your home. You no longer have to worry about making time consuming and expensive visits to doctors or dermatologists.
Acne Free in 3 Days™ reveals how to STOP acne at its source. Chris goes beyond the on-going use of expensive lotions, creams and drugs and gets to the root cause of the problem.
Chris’s book also gives you immediate access to the secrets of stopping the accumulation of acne scarring. He includes invaluable information on what products and methods actually stop, reduce, or even remove acne scarring for good.
Acne Free in 3 Days™ is not just for teenage acne, but for everyone! After reading Chris’s book and following his plan, I look younger and feel healthier.

Acne Free in 3 Days™ is a real book about healing a real and exasperating problem. Take it from me, you will not find this information anywhere else!
For me, Chris’s eBook Acne Free in 3 Days ™ did exactly what it promised to do. It only takes two words for me to describe this book: truly amazing! I bought this eBook 9 months ago and I am still acne free! My biggest complaint about the book is that it wasn’t available sooner!
Acne Free in 3 Days™ gives you clear, concise, easy to follow, step-by-step directions that shows you how to:
- It cures your acne for ever – period
- It removes the scars without the use of harsh chemicals; chemicals that could actually exacerbate the problem
- It stops blackheads, whiteheads and pimples in their tracks
- It is totally safe for the skin and has no harmful side effects
Stop what you’re doing and buy this product now!
Stop thinking about it and start improving your life! You can have this amazing #1 BESTSELLING eBook minutes from now because it is available for instant download!

Okay, so how much does it cost?
Chris Gibson’s #1 Best Selling book is jam-packed with years of scientific research, helpful information on understanding your specific type of acne (yes, there is more than one type), and a simple, practical, and easy-to-do natural program that really works!
For this week only, you can purchase this eBook version of his bestselling book at the following discounted price:
EBook Version:
Only $39.95

But that’s not all! You will also get these FREE Bonuses if you order today!
“Ultimate Acne Scar Prevention & Removal Guide” by Chris Gibson.
This unique guide will show you how to prevent any further scarring from acne and how to remove the acne scarring you currently have. Value = $29.95 – You get it for FREE!
Online Access to Exclusive, One-On-One Interview:
“Chris Gibson on Acne Free in 3 Days™”
Chris answers common questions and provides exclusive material in this informative audio interview! It’s like having a personal consultation with Chris! In addition to talking about his breakthrough approach to healing acne in 3 days, he also covers many other important topics. Chris Gibson on Acne Free in 3 Days™ is jam-packed with over an hour of clear and relevant information that will change the way you look at acne and your personal health forever!
Value = $29.95 – You get it for FREE!
Plus: Risk-Free 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!
Chris is so confident that his eBook will work for you; he backs it up with a 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee. This is what Chris has to say:
“If after sincerely giving the natural program within Acne Free in 3 Days™ a try, you do not find this helpful in curing your acne – I will give you the full refund of the purchase price – and you can take 60 days to decide.”

P.S. This eBook is actually worth more than the price it is being offered at. It pays for itself within the first week! Just think of all the money it will save you on drugs and other expensive acne scars treatments. I promise you it was the best money I ever spent! I have absolutely no hesitation in rating this book 10 out of 10!
P.P.S. Chris’s eBook changed my life. I have honestly used the program outlined in this eBook and highly recommend it. In fact, I have even recommended the book to all my family and friends. My only regret is that I did not buy it sooner!
P.P.P.S. I have tried a lot of products out there and read a whole bunch of theories about curing acne – but none of them ever came close to this. Chris’s eBook actually delivers far more than it promises. I can honestly say that I began to see significant results within 3 days after following his program. In my opinion, anyone who is serious about curing their acne problem should buy this eBook. You would be crazy not to.

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